Socially Distanced Singing
29 October 2020
What an amazing first half of the term it’s been! Getting many of our choirs back singing live in venues together has been such an emotional experience and it is bringing so much joy.
Our Tring and Windsor choirs led the way by starting back on 21st September and we have managed to get as many choirs back in person.
The first session singing 2m apart felt a bit strange, especially after a seven-month break, but it's amazing how quickly you get used to the space and enjoy singing together again.
It has been a huge amount of work to get each individual choir back into a venue so a big thank you to everyone involved. It is so lovely to hear our voices filling a room again and to see the smiles on everyone’s faces. There is a long list of rules we need to follow in the Government's Performing Arts Guidance but actually the rules are very straightforward and easy to follow, and it is well worth it!
All the choirs back in venues are streaming their sessions out live via Zoom to those at home who can't join us in person at the moment. Hats off to our fabulous choir leaders for cracking the technology, and well-done to our members that join the sessions this way, it really is fabulous to see and hear everyone singing together.

Our first socially distanced Glee term, proved to be great for everybody in so many ways and we are looking forward to getting back after half term, all ready to start singing Christmas songs!!